
BRBN have the WILL to meet

BRBN (4)

On a fresh Spring morning, some members had to remove Ice off their cars before setting off to the early Breakfast meeting. "Will power" one could say!!

A well attended meeting, drinks on arrival and the usual meet up relaxed atmosphere as we always have at BRBN at the Ferguson Fawsitt.

The 10 minute slot delivered by Dave Tunstall  - East Riding Wills delivered a powerful  presentation to the group about East Riding Wills, the way he goes about his business. A will and power of attorney are crucial legal documents that ensure your wishes are respected during life and after death.

A will dictates how your assets are distributed upon your passing, preventing conflicts and ensuring loved ones receive what you intend. It also allows you to appoint guardians for minor children.

A power of attorney grants someone you trust the authority to make financial or medical decisions on your behalf if you become incapacitated. Both documents provide clarity and control in challenging times, sparing your family from legal complications and ensuring your legacy is managed according to your desires. 

A great 10 minutes and certainly a powerful message so members can help Dave attract more clients and assist them in protecting their families.

The usual round of 60 seconds, a great Breakfast followed by a very good Education slot from Josh based on Communication and opportunity, examples of how we miss opportunity!!!

The morning network session concluded with the important passing of referrals, testimonials and clarification of the 1-2-1 meet ups. before people departed to enjoy another week ahead.





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